Lisa Danaczko's Fundraiser

Help emerging storytellers and content creators get paid to build their skills
Join me in supporting the Wide Angle Youth Media summer apprenticeship program
I moved to Baltimore nearly 13 years ago and working in the Wide Angle Youth Media middle school program as an assistant teacher was my first job here! This transformative experience exposed me to the vibrant arts community (and creatives like you); connected me to mentors and teachers of all ages; and grounded my 6 years of service as a board member. I am proud to support Wide Angle because the team and students are changing the narrative about Baltimore and building viable career pathways for young people to be successful AND creative. Your generous gift today will directly impact young people in the following ways:
- $640 supports 1 week of full-time apprentice wages
- $240 supports 2 days of part-time apprentice wages
- $90 supports 6 hours of part-time apprentice wages
- $60 supports 4 hours of part-time apprentice wages
- $30 supports 2 hours of part-time apprentice wages