Susan Malone

Susan Malone's Fundraiser

Play It Forward to keep our apprentices paid and learning this summer  image

Play It Forward to keep our apprentices paid and learning this summer

Join me & make a difference now, please give today.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$336 towards $1,250

...Some of the most meaningful work I think we've ever done was done over the pandemic”. -Jahsol Drummond

The past year has often felt like a sci-fi movie, come to life. Through the shocking plot twists and jarring jump cuts, our youth have played the role of hero - they have innovated, created, and pushed onward in the face of each new challenge. When so much has been put on pause, we’re continuing to Play It Forward, raising $18,700 to support wages for our youth apprentices in MediaWorks.

Help me reach my personal goal of $1,250 to fund 2 weeks of full-time apprentice wages. Our programs provide unique workforce opportunities in video production and graphic design for both part-time and full-time apprenticeship positions. Every dollar you donate will fund hourly pay and support meaningful jobs, like Jahsol’s.

Your generous #PlayItForward gift of $24, $48, or $96 will go directly towards paying a young person, so they have the resources and skills needed to face the next unfolding storyline head-on. Give a gift today, and help write the script for the next scene.

Giving Levels:

  • $24 - Support 2 hours of part-time apprentice wages
  • $48 - Support 4 hours of part-time apprentice wages
  • $96 - Support 8 hours of part-time apprentice wages
  • $240 - Support 20 hours part-time apprentice wages
  • $625 - Support 1 week of full-time apprentice wages
  • $2,500 - Support 1 month of full-time apprentice wages